First Blog for IPSL - Innovation-People-Skills-Link4Growth

Welcome to the 1st blog post for IPSL

This blog will be the place to share all the latest News and Updates about what is happening from IPSL.

IPSL - Innovation-People-Skills-Link4Growth is the organisation that is implementing the Link4Growth community building tools in the South West Herts district. This is a collection of villages and towns in the area specifically: Watford, Rickmansworth, Croxley Green, Northwood, Bushey, Oxhey South Oxhey, Carpenders Park, Kings Langley, Abbots Langley, Garston, Leavesden, Chorleywood and Harefield. This is one of 85+ districts for Link4Growth, right across the country.

IPSL’s mission is to facilitate any who wish to contribute to our communities to be able to do so easily and simply in whatever way they wish. Optionally you can join Link4Growth itself, a national community of like minded people working together to bring about positive change in our communities.

If we could do something we were passionate about, that helped others, was needed, and that we could do easily, when we wanted to do it, for as little or as much time as we had available, how amazing would that be?

How can we do this?

IPSL is creating spaces to enable this to happen through hosting Link4Growth events in the area where local people can come together meet, talk and have conversations… there is no agenda or ulterior motive. By meeting, sharing and pooling our minds we can innovate new ideas and find alternative ways to solve problems in our communities, this complements all the wonderful work that is already going on. Each of us can be empowered to take action and make a difference. So much good work is going on in our community but it just doesn’t reach us in our busy lives. Information is often kept in silos amongst those directly involved or who are the beneficiaries… but what might happen if we opened up the silos?
The good news is anyone can join in. Link4Growth is Not political, nor religious, and from May 1st 2017 it was transferred to us the people in the form of an Association, we now own it! An organisation built to enable change that we own, and can’t be taken from us!

How good is that? … Let’s work on being great human beings and pledging ‘through action’ to help others…

For Businesses?

IPSL is totally behind the idea of buying locally and using local suppliers and service providers. It makes perfect sense to use those in our community and more money stays locally.

Combining the Link4Business model (Business Development Network - Holistic support service for those in business) IPSL is creating a local business support infrastructure to nurture and help our local entrepreneurs. It’s tough running a business. Most of us are doing it for the first time. If we work together, collaborate and help each other then we can all succeed. There is more than enough out there for all of us!

Building a trusted and supportive group of ‘go to give’ businesses that ‘go the extra mile’ will become a tremendous asset to our local community. IPSL is committed to enabling all these local businesses to succeed through meeting regularly and by learning how to use technology effectively.

Training and Education

Technology has moved on so quickly that most of us have been left way behind. We may have gradually learning how to operate the programs, but how to use them with intent and not just contribute to the ‘noise’ of the Internet is a different question.

IPSL has a mission to create an initial group of 100 businesses all committed to a ‘helping others’ attitude, and a, ‘doing what it takes’ approach to customer service… couple this with learning how to ‘succeed without selling’ by ‘innovating in our businesses’ and through ‘growing our businesses through contribution to the local community’, there are exciting times ahead!

Why not join us? … 

It is great to meet with other businesses that have signed up to be part of a trusted local network where we all go the extra mile not only in our own ventures but in support and helping each other.

  • Our own gatherings (meet with like minded businesses)
  • 14 local events per month to touch base, get signposted or ask questions
  • Quick solutions with the ‘free to attend’ working lunch, L4GHelp events
  • Peer-2-Peer mentoring sessions OMG’s…
  • 1-2-1 Coaching Programmes
  • discounts on affordable bite size training
  • local business TV
  • Localised marketing platform you can plug right into

Remember… you are no longer alone...

Please also do follow the links below for more information about what has been discussed above...

Join our Local Newsletters / Community?

  • Community Hub
  • Local Link4Growth news
  • Local SW Herts Community News (Website)
  • Local SW Herts Business News / Updates (Website)


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