9 ways we can take action today and bring about change!
Many of us are bewildered by some of the events of late. Sensational news stories abound daily many of which touch raw nerves and leave us both perplexed and feeling powerless. Even though many step forward and voice the same concerns that we do, the system appears to roll on regardless. Seemingly unbelievable decisions are taken and outcomes experienced even in the face of staunch opposition leaving many despairing of how can we actually bring about any kind of change. Below are 9 ways that we 'the people' can start the process of taking back control. These are things we can all do. They require nothing more than to accept responsibility to play our part. Each of the items below help us to :- Invest in ourselves and becoming the best we can be Enhance and grow our local 'interdependent' communities Build a fairer, more sustainable, and harmonious society The beautiful thing is none of this relies on money to deliver, it is something we can all partake in e...