9 ways we can take action today and bring about change!

Many of us are bewildered by some of the events of late. Sensational news stories abound daily many of which touch raw nerves and leave us both perplexed and feeling powerless.

Even though many step forward and voice the same concerns that we do, the system appears to roll on regardless. Seemingly unbelievable decisions are taken and outcomes experienced even in the face of staunch opposition leaving many despairing of how can we actually bring about any kind of change.

Below are 9 ways that we 'the people' can start the process of taking back control. These are things we can all do. They require nothing more than to accept responsibility to play our part. Each of the items below help us to :-
  • Invest in ourselves and becoming the best we can be
  • Enhance and grow our local 'interdependent' communities
  • Build a fairer, more sustainable, and harmonious society
The beautiful thing is none of this relies on money to deliver, it is something we can all partake in easily and benefits us all.

Do come along to a SW Herts Link4Growth event. Here you will find more information about initiatives covering the 9 items listed below and many ways you can begin to have an impact and join in. The work starts within each of us.

1. Open your mind to question everything

All of us have belief systems, thoughts, and perceptions that are laid down as a summary of all the advice, guidance, education and experiences so far in our lives . Often we have accepted things as just the way they are. How often do you question any of these beliefs...

  1. is the education system we have enabling students to achieve their full potential 
  2. is building the homes the same way we always have the right way for the future 
  3. is the current non democratic method of government really serving the people 
  4. are Pharmaceutical companies looking for cures or just maintaining sickness for profit
  5. are charities the best way to encourage community contribution and volunteering

Have you asked yourself... why do you believe what you do? ... who influenced you? ... was it the newspapers? ... the media? ... how much stock do you put in the TV News.. the BBC? ... do you believe everything you read? ... What are your sources of information and 'truth'?

What we have in society isn't working for the majority, you don't have to look hard to see evidence of this... but unless we reflect, discuss, talk about and take action... nothing will change.

2. Participate (or start) local talking groups

What we have sadly lost over the years is connection. It is connection through conversation that empowers us, opens doors to new understanding. This makes us feel differently about our community, safer and more secure.

There is so much richness in conversation. Everyone is really interesting (even though they don't think so themselves) and we all have great stories to tell. Most of us never get a chance to tell our story and even more of us convince ourselves we aren't very interesting and haven't done anything either. We've actually fallen out of love with ourselves!

Many of the issues we have in society today could be solved by rebuilding connections and once the conversation starts we have no idea what we could do.

We have already got the ball rolling there are 9 open community events already running each month, specifically aimed at enabling local people to come together and talk... no other agenda. There are also online groups so that the conversations can continue. [... listing of events can be found here]

3. Be judicious where you spend your money

We have the most amazing power at our fingertips... our collective spending power. We, not big businesses actually have all the power, without our spending they have no future. Big businesses make it easy for us to buy what they want to sell... and we often do it without a moments thought.

Think about whether you actually need to buy that new thing. Could you upcycle, find a previously used item that would be just as good. Use local independent businesses wherever possible. More money stays in our local community if we support local entrepreneurs.

It is not always as convenient to shop around, but when we begin to buy local we start to connect with even more real local people. Big businesses are focused on profit and sales volumes and are rarely concerned with what is going on in our community... it is very different for our local independent businesses who depend on local trade and often go the extra mile with service and quality. [... giving up supermarkets]

4. Connect with local inspirational changemakers and like minded people

Join in with local 'action' groups. There are a growing number of groups now having conversations about Sustainability, Health & Wellness, Personal development / Spirituality, and beginning to initiate local projects using alternative creative ideas.

It is amazing how much energy, enthusiasm and inspiration emanates once like minded, positive, 'can-do' people begin to come together. Often all we need are a few connections to develop an idea that has lain dormant for years. Working together we can help and support each other... change is a team effort.

We do not need to wait for permission, we just need to get together and start finding ways to improve our communities... this is how we can bring about change.  [... come along and find out more at one of the existing Link4Growth events]

5. Reconnect with your own health and wellbeing

You are what you eat has never been more clearly visible than it is today. Huge numbers are obese and overweight, we eat more fat free, sugar free products and yet we are heavier than ever. Degenerative diseases are on the rise as are conditions such as Diabetes, digestive disorders and breathing difficulties.

We are being slowly poisoned and the human population (in the west at least) is in poor condition. We have been blighted by a health and pharma industry that wants repeat customers not a healthy population. Our food has become utterly processed and of little nutritional value.

We have been provided with a vehicle (our bodies) for our soul in this life and yet the default fuel proffered by the food industry leads to sickness and ill health... it is time to stop the rot.

Take your life into your own hands. Begin the journey of discovering what your body needs, provide the fuel that enables your body to perform at its very best. Fresh fruit and vegetables, home cooked or raw, reduce the intake of anything that has preservatives, chemicals or pesticides. If you can't pronounce it don't eat it. Similarly if it is advertised it is probably not good for you.

Create an atmosphere of moderation. Open up the floodgates to the rich diversity of seasonal fruit and vegetables, drink plenty of water and introduce regular exercise. Treat your body as a temple and it will serve you well.

6. Grow our own food again, reconnect with basics

There is something quite magical about planting a tiny seed only to be rewarded some months later by an abundance of produce. To tend the plants take care and gently nurture plants through to their maturity reconnects us with nature and is wonderfully satisfying.

Community gardens, and community growing projects are beginning to emerge. Taking back our power can only be achieved if we become self sufficient, growing our own food is fundamental to this. Just for most of us we have lost the skill... The domination of the multinational food producing companies can only be taken away if we begin to rekindle our own food producing capability. There are tens of thousands of gardens and green spaces that could provide a huge percentage of the food we need...

Growing our own pesticide free, organic, fresh, locally produced food (reduces reliance on oil for shipping and food miles) can be done, we are resourceful enough. If you are interested in becoming part of this initiative then do [... come along and find out more at one of the existing Link4Growth events]

7. Use Gratitude and Frugality to break from conditioning

We are beset on all sides by the constant re-enforcement and conditioning of the need for more of everything. Our lives are a constant chase for more money, so we can buy more stuff, so we can demonstrate our success with all the wonderful possessions we have in our lives.

We have been conditioned to love things and use people instead of love people and use things. The endless and never ending chase for money, and the illusion of success that goes with it follows us into the grave. Whilst we were busy in the pursuit of money, our life, and happiness quietly passed us by.

We all already have more than enough 'stuff' in our lives. We live in untold abundance compared to 90% of the worlds population, and yet we have been whipped up into this frenzy of more, more, more...

Through gratitude we can begin to appreciate how little we need to consume for our sustenance. We can appreciate how small our footprint can be and yet what untold delights there are if we just took the time to look. Through frugality we can appreciate each grain of rice and how that there is more than enough for every person on this planet. Through frugality we can learn generosity as we begin to share with others when we have more than enough.

When we are grateful and satisfied we do not need to consume more. We are no longer in the race to impress others. We are no longer at the mercy of low self esteem and feeling like we are being left behind. Practicing gratitude starts us on the path to happiness. Happiness comes not in a box.. it comes from connection, people, relationships and experiences shared with others.

8. Decide to find your own path

The more we understand about ourselves and what we want to do the less we fall under the influence of others. Today the world is in a state of flux and there is little that is certain in a world that is now undergoing significant change.

What we have been conditioned to believe and have been taught does not necessarily hold true anymore. We cannot assume that advice and guidance being handed out from the previous century is any longer relevant.

What are your principles? ... What are your truths? ... What matters to you?

Find your own path in line with your values and authentic self... This might be to sometimes follow others, sometimes take the lead and at other times to create something new. Conscious choices based on what works best for you and accepting the responsibility that if it doesn't pan out, that an alternative can be implemented.

9. If we work together we can create 'a true people led democracy' from the grass roots

Do we live in a democracy? The word used to describe what we have is democracy but what does it actually look like? Does it really represent the will of the people? ... how can the will of the people who have different needs be met by a single approach?

Money and Votes is what our current politics is based on. Money drives decisions which is corrupt and Votes (power) also corrupts. When big business has the power to influence power then we are in real trouble... that is where we are today.

A different way... let us take back control using these 8 tools above. Business only has power if we buy their products, that we can choose to do or not en masse. As for the politicians?

... What if we just get on with taking responsibility? What if we work together co-creating solutions that work for us and our communities? What if we work on finding alternative solutions to solve real human problems at the community level? Do you think the politicians might want to lend a hand? ... maybe would want to see how they can support us (serve) finally? ... if they want our vote that is?

Final Words...

Above 9 different things that we can do immediately. All of the above are a win for the individual, a win for the community, a win for local business, a win for society across the board. There are no downsides. This builds resilience too as we all come together to support each other and co-create the future.

It does mean taking some responsibility but we all have the capability. We can all change the world... we can be that drop in the water that starts the ripples. Practice becoming the best version of ourselves possible (self care) and the best human being we can be through community engagement. 

If you would like to join in as a community leader and help rebuild from the grass roots up then please do get in touch. ipsl.chrisogle@gmail.com


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