Business Development Network providing Jelly to 'Take Action'

One of the biggest challenges for anyone running their own business is the frustration around the implemention of technology.

I have been hosting "Learning Sessions" now for over 6 months and although these have been well received what I have noticed is that there are still obstacles for people implementing their ideas and moving forward.

I am fascinated as to why it is still so difficult to make progress even when there is apparent clarity on what to do next. So intrigued am I with this that I have spent some weeks now asking questions trying to get to the bottom of what is holding people back (not everyone I hasten to add, but a surprisingly large number).

So my investigations have revealed some interesting points...
  1. Having left the learning sessions with great intent... life gets back in play as soon as 1 hour after the learning session has finished... then each day that passes the excitement wanes, until finally, it is all pretty much forgotten and it is just too hard once more to start.
  2. It all seemed so easy in the Learning Session but now... on my own... it all looks very different and I can't quite remember what to do...
  3. I started with great enthusiasm, however I ran into a problem and after 1 hour of trying to resolve the issue.. I gave up and found something else to do. Then of course I never revisited the issue and it was consigned to the "too difficult" Box.
What all of the above conspire to do is act like a ball and chain in your business. Slowing things to almost a stop which we then start to feel guilty and trapped by. 

How many times I have heard "I must do that", "Once I have gotten over this hurdle, I will...", "I just need to put aside the time and focus", "I need to come on that Learning Session again now" ... does this sound familiar? 

Upside Down thinking

When I was at school and we were in the classroom, we went through the coursework with apparent ease... the teacher often giving us information that we were capable of reading all by ourselves (and we didn't have the internet)... only then to have homework set which was "same but different" and... no teacher anywhere in sight to ask.

I often mused we had it upside down... why not read the coursework as homework and then do 'the homework' in class where there was someone to ask for help if needed!

Welcome to the "Take Action" Jelly

So the idea of the Take Action Jelly is quite simple... having been through the Learning Sessions we now have a space where you can actually do the task, whatever it is, and have people around who can help and guide you through any problems that might crop up. What might take an hour on your own (or more) to figure out, now takes seconds or a minute only... so you can quickly move forward onto the next thing.

There is nothing more powerful than the actual experience of doing a thing 

How does it work? Where? and When?

If you've been keeping track of the Learning Sessions developments we have moved them now to 11 Dellfield Court, 94 Hempstead Road, Watford, Herts. WD17 4JY ... there is a website SWHertsSkills that has all the dates... lots more being posted tomorrow... so keep a check... 

These Jelly's will be run on a Monday... Twice per month. They are for those people who are part of the Business Development Network (Link4Business) and will run from 9:30am through to 4:00pm.

Cost will be £10 (for all or part of the session) ... please bring your own food / drink although Tea and Coffee will be available for a nominal sum. There is space for 8 people however at a pinch we could extend that to 10... booking will be essential. Further details on this will be coming soon with booking info.


This is part of the whole package we have put together for the Business Development Network

  1. Events to help us connect, learn about each other, collaborate, co-create and find out how we can support one another
  2. Learning Sessions so that we can all up our game and support each other more effectively
  3. Localised Marketing and Promotional platform with Social Media, Video and Articles to increase visibility and support our Team effort 
  4. OMG's - Peer support mentoring groups so that we can tap into the experience and wisdom of our fellow entrepreneurs

And now... 

  • Take Action Jelly's ... an opportunity to work together, remove obstacles and accelerate getting things done. This might be implementing Mailchimp Newsletters, creating a Blog, adding a FB Page, sorting out your Google Pages... implementing Hootsuite, twitter, instagram, pinterest, LinkedIn... you decide! .. 

Let's Do it!

*** N.B. Imminent update around the corner too... coming soon!


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